8288 clr 8289 poke53280,0 8297 poke53281,0 8305 printchr$(142); 8309 print" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" 8353 print" @datanorf-datanorf-datanorf-datanorf-@" 8405 print" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" 8406 print 8449 print" 1-bit-computer-simulation v6.30/wdr" 8490 print" -----------------------------------" 8491 print 8531 print" seriennummer: #>demo85c6401<#" 8432 print 8574 print" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" 8634 print" @ @" 8671 print" @ copyright 1985 by @" 8709 print" @ @" 8746 print" @ kai and volker ludwig @" 8784 print" @ @" 8821 print" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" 8884 dima(256,3) 8894 dimb$(14,2) 8902 dimc$(8) 8909 dimd$(256,2) 8919 i=1 8920 fori=1to14 8925 readb$(i,1) 8930 readb$(i,2) 8935 next 8936 i=1 8937 fori=1to8 8942 readc$(i) 8946 next 8947 i=1 8948 fori=1to256 8955 d$(i,1)="nopo 0" 8966 d$(i,2)="WWWW WWW" 8982 a(i,1)=13 8987 next 8988 print" bitte return druecken" 9024 z$="datanorf-datanorf-datanorf-datanorf-" 9071 z$=right$(z$,len(z$)-1)+left$(z$,1) 9082 print""; 9089 ifleft$(z$,1)<>"-"thenprint""; 9100 printz$ 9102 i=1 9103 fori=1to500 9110 next 9111 geta$ 9113 ifa$<>chr$(13)goto9071 9120 poke53280,1 9128 poke53281,1 9136 print""; 9139 goto10187 9142 print""; 9145 print"fertig." 9154 a$="" 9156 print" "; 9162 getb$ 9164 ifb$=""goto9162 9170 ifb$=chr$(13)goto9225 9177 ifasc(b$)=20anda$<>""thenprint" ";:a$=left$(a$,len(a$)-1):goto9156 9202 ifasc(b$)<32orasc(b$)>127goto9162 9216 a$=a$+b$ 9220 printb$; 9222 goto9156 9225 print" " 9228 ifa$=""goto9154 9234 ifa$="starten"goto10744 9247 ifa$="neu"goto9370 9256 ifa$="zeigen"goto9425 9268 ifa$="drucken"goto9493 9281 ifa$="ende"goto9568 9291 ifa$="speichern"goto9873 9307 ifa$="laden"goto10014 9318 ifa$="hilfe"goto10187 9329 ifasc(left$(a$,1))>47andasc(left$(a$,1))<58goto9604 9347 print 9348 print"?falsche eingabe" 9367 goto9145 9370 i=1 9371 fori=1to256 9378 a(i,1)=13 9383 a(i,2)=0 9388 a(i,3)=0 9393 d$(i,1)="nopo 0" 9404 d$(i,2)="WWWW WWW" 9420 next 9421 print 9422 goto9145 9425 print 9426 i=1 9427 fori=1to256 9434 ifa(i,3)=0goto9489 9443 au$=right$(str$(i-1),len(str$(i-1))-1)+" " 9459 iflen(au$)=2thenau$=" "+au$ 9471 iflen(au$)=3thenau$=" "+au$ 9482 printau$; 9484 printd$(i,1) 9489 next 9490 goto9145 9493 open4,4 9497 i=1 9498 fori=1to256 9505 ifa(i,3)=0goto9562 9514 au$=right$(str$(i-1),len(str$(i-1))-1)+" " 9530 iflen(au$)=2thenau$=" "+au$ 9542 iflen(au$)=3thenau$=" "+au$ 9553 print#4,au$; 9558 print#4,d$(i,1) 9562 next 9563 close4 9565 goto9145 9568 print" programmlauf beendet" 9603 new 9604 i=1 9605 fori=1tolen(a$) 9611 x=asc(mid$(a$,i,1)) 9617 ifx=32goto9719 9624 ifx<48orx>57goto9347 9636 ifi=4goto9347 9642 next 9643 i=i-1 9647 x=val(mid$(a$,1,i)) 9653 ifx<0orx>255goto9347 9664 d$(x+1,1)="nopo 0" 9677 d$(x+1,2)="WWWW WWW" 9695 a(x+1,1)=13 9702 a(x+1,2)=0 9709 a(x+1,3)=0 9716 goto9154 9719 ifright$(a$,1)=" "goto9347 9728 i=i-1 9732 x=val(mid$(a$,1,i)) 9738 ifx<0orx>255goto9347 9749 r=len(a$)-i-3 9756 z$=mid$(a$,i+2,r) 9763 i=1 9764 fori=1to14 9769 ifz$=b$(i,1)goto9782 9778 next 9779 goto9347 9782 z=asc(mid$(a$,len(a$)-1,1)) 9791 ifz<>32goto9347 9798 z=asc(right$(a$,1)) 9803 ifz<48orz>55goto9347 9815 z=val(right$(a$,1)) 9820 a(x+1,1)=i 9827 a(x+1,2)=z 9834 a(x+1,3)=1 9841 d$(x+1,1)=b$(i,1)+str$(z) 9854 d$(x+1,2)=b$(i,2)+c$(z+1) 9870 goto9154 9873 print 9874 input"programmname";f$ 9892 iff$=""thenprint:goto9145 9901 open1,8,15 9906 open2,8,3,">"+f$+",w" 9919 input#1,a,b$,c,d 9932 ifathenprinta;:print",";:printb$;:print",";:printc;:print",";:printd:goto10006 9957 i=1 9958 fori=1to256 9965 ifa(i,3)=1thenprint#2,a(i,1);:print#2,chr$(13);:print#2,a(i,2) 9988 ifa(i,3)=0thenprint#2,0,:print#2,chr$(13),:print#2,0 10005 next 10006 close2 10008 close1 10010 print 10011 goto9145 10014 print 10015 input"programmname";f$ 10033 iff$=""thenprint:goto9145 10042 open1,8,15 10047 open2,8,3,">"+f$+",r" 10060 input#1,a,b$,c,d 10073 ifathenprinta;:print",";:printb$;:print",";:printc;:print",";:printd:goto10179 10098 i=1 10099 fori=1to256 10106 input#2,a(i,1),a(i,2) 10118 a(i,3)=1 10123 ifa(i,1)=0thena(i,1)=13:a(i,3)=0 10141 d$(i,1)=b$(a(i,1),1)+str$(a(i,2)) 10158 d$(i,2)=b$(a(i,1),2)+c$(a(i,2)+1) 10178 next 10179 close1 10181 close2 10183 print 10184 goto9145 10187 print" >>- befehlsuebersicht -<<" 10223 print" -------------------------" 10224 print 10261 print"starten > die ausfuehrung beginnen" 10301 print"neu > das programm loeschen" 10338 print"zeigen > das programm auflisten" 10376 print"speichern > das programm speichern" 10414 print"laden > das programm laden" 10448 print"drucken > das programm ausdrucken" 10487 print"hilfe > diese seite anzeigen" 10523 print"ende > den simulator verlassen" 10524 print 10562 print" >>- programmeingabeformat -<<" 10601 print" -----------------------------" 10602 print 10638 print" zeilennummer / anweisung / adresse" 10639 print 10679 print"z.b.:" 10687 print"0 orc 0" 10696 print 10697 print" bitte return druecken" 10732 geta$ 10734 ifa$<>chr$(13)goto10732 10741 goto9142 10744 oe=0 10746 ie=0 10748 q$="Z" 10751 u$=" " 10754 pc=0 10756 f$="W" 10759 g$="W" 10762 h$="W" 10765 s$="W" 10768 i$="WWWWWWWW" 10779 o$="WWWWWWWW" 10790 t$="Q" 10793 e$="W" 10796 d$="W" 10799 c$=d$(1,2) 10804 print"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"; 10848 print"@ @"; 10891 print"@ 7654321 76543210 8421 421 @"; 10934 print"@ @"; 10977 print"@ @"; 11020 print"@t e d ein aus befehl adr @"; 11063 print"@a r a @"; 11106 print"@k t @"; 11149 print"@t e @"; 11192 print"@ n @"; 11235 print"@ @"; 11278 print"@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @"; 11321 print"@@4@3@2@1@ @ @hand @"; 11364 print"@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @"; 11407 print"@@ @ @ @ @ @ @automatik @"; 11450 print"@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @"; 11493 print"@ eingabe takt- @"; 11536 print"@ wahl @"; 11579 print"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"; 11622 print"@ 1-bit-lc-simulator @ version: @"; 11667 print"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @"; 11710 print"@ copyright 1985 by @ @v6.30-wdr@ @"; 11757 print"@ kai and volker ludwig @ @@@@@@@@@@@ @"; 11802 print"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"; 11845 gosub12726 11848 getz$ 11850 ifz$=""goto11848 11856 ifz$="i"goto9142 11863 ifz$="p"thenpc=0:c$=d$(1,2):goto11845 11879 ifz$="r"goto12129 11886 ifz$="t"andsk=1thent$="W":sk=0:goto12220 11904 ifz$="t"thent$="W":goto12259 11916 ifz$="w"thenz$=q$:q$=u$:u$=z$:goto12873 11931 ifz$="h"goto13603 11938 ifz$=""andf$="W"thenf$="Q":goto12077 11955 ifz$=""andf$="Q"thenf$="W":goto12077 11972 ifz$=""andg$="W"theng$="Q":goto12090 11989 ifz$=""andg$="Q"theng$="W":goto12090 12006 ifz$=""andh$="W"thenh$="Q":goto12103 12023 ifz$=""andh$="Q"thenh$="W":goto12103 12040 ifz$=""ands$="W"thens$="Q":goto12116 12057 ifz$=""ands$="Q"thens$="W":goto12116 12074 goto11845 12077 i$=left$(i$,3)+f$+right$(i$,4) 12087 goto11845 12090 i$=left$(i$,4)+g$+right$(i$,3) 12100 goto11845 12103 i$=left$(i$,5)+h$+right$(i$,2) 12113 goto11845 12116 i$=left$(i$,6)+s$+right$(i$,1) 12126 goto11845 12129 e$="W" 12132 d$="W" 12135 oe=0 12137 ie=0 12139 sk=0 12141 i$="WWW"+f$+g$+h$+s$+"W" 12157 o$="WWWWWWWW" 12168 goto11845 12171 gosub12726 12174 pc=pc+1 12178 ifpc>255thenpc=0 12186 i$=left$(i$,7)+e$ 12192 c$=d$(pc+1,2) 12199 t$="Q" 12202 ifz<5orz>6thend$="W":goto11845 12217 goto11845 12220 z=a(pc+1,1) 12227 x=a(pc+1,2) 12234 ifz<5orz>6thend$=mid$(i$,8-x,1):goto12171 12253 d$="W" 12256 goto12171 12259 z=a(pc+1,1) 12266 x=a(pc+1,2) 12273 ifz<8thenonzgoto12314,12337,12373,12403,12428,12451,12507 12295 onz-7goto12543,12586,12609,12632,12683,12706,12716 12314 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12321 ifie=0thene$="W":goto12171 12332 e$=d$ 12334 goto12171 12337 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12344 ifie=0thene$="Q":goto12171 12355 ifd$="W"thene$="Q":goto12171 12367 e$="W" 12370 goto12171 12373 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12380 ifie=0thene$="W":goto12171 12391 ifd$="W"thene$="W" 12400 goto12171 12403 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12410 ifie=0goto12171 12416 ifd$="Q"thene$="W" 12425 goto12171 12428 ifoe=0goto12171 12434 d$=e$ 12436 o$=left$(o$,7-x)+e$+right$(o$,x) 12448 goto12171 12451 ifoe=0goto12171 12457 ife$="W"thend$="Q":o$=left$(o$,7-x)+"Q"+right$(o$,x):goto12171 12482 ife$="Q"thend$="W":o$=left$(o$,7-x)+"W"+right$(o$,x):goto12171 12507 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12514 ifie=0goto12171 12520 ifd$="Q"ore$="Q"thene$="Q":goto12171 12537 e$="W" 12540 goto12171 12543 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12550 ifie=0thene$="Q":goto12171 12561 ife$="Q"goto12171 12568 ifd$="W"thene$="Q":goto12171 12580 e$="W" 12583 goto12171 12586 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12593 ifd$="Q"thenie=1:goto12171 12604 ie=0 12606 goto12171 12609 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12616 ifd$="Q"thenoe=1:goto12171 12627 oe=0 12629 goto12171 12632 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12639 ifie=1andd$=e$thene$="Q":goto12171 12654 ifie=1thene$="W":goto12171 12665 ife$="W"thene$="Q":goto12171 12677 e$="W" 12680 goto12171 12683 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12690 ife$="Q"thensk=0:goto12171 12701 sk=1 12703 goto12171 12706 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 12713 goto12171 12716 d$=e$ 12718 pc=0 12720 gosub12726 12723 goto12192 12726 i$=left$(o$,3)+right$(i$,5) 12734 print""; 12741 printt$; 12743 print" "; 12746 printe$; 12748 print" "; 12751 printd$; 12753 print" "; 12757 printleft$(i$,7); 12761 print" "; 12766 printo$; 12768 print" "; 12772 printc$ 12774 print""; 12789 printf$; 12791 print""; 12794 printg$; 12796 print""; 12799 printh$; 12801 print""; 12804 prints$; 12806 print""; 12811 printu$; 12813 print""; 12818 printq$ 12820 return 12821 i$=left$(i$,3)+f$+right$(i$,4) 12831 goto13042 12834 i$=left$(i$,4)+g$+right$(i$,3) 12844 goto13042 12847 i$=left$(i$,5)+h$+right$(i$,2) 12857 goto13042 12860 i$=left$(i$,6)+s$+right$(i$,1) 12870 goto13042 12873 gosub12726 12876 getz$ 12878 ifz$="w"thenz$=q$:q$=u$:u$=z$:goto11845 12893 ifz$=""andf$="W"thenf$="Q":goto12821 12910 ifz$=""andf$="Q"thenf$="W":goto12821 12927 ifz$=""andg$="W"theng$="Q":goto12834 12944 ifz$=""andg$="Q"theng$="W":goto12834 12961 ifz$=""andh$="W"thenh$="Q":goto12847 12978 ifz$=""andh$="Q"thenh$="W":goto12847 12995 ifz$=""ands$="W"thens$="Q":goto12860 13012 ifz$=""ands$="Q"thens$="W":goto12860 13029 ifsk=1thent$="W":sk=0:goto13097 13042 t$="W" 13045 goto13136 13048 gosub12726 13051 pc=pc+1 13055 ifpc>255thenpc=0 13063 i$=left$(i$,7)+e$ 13069 c$=d$(pc+1,2) 13076 t$="Q" 13079 ifz<5orz>6thend$="W":goto12873 13094 goto12873 13097 z=a(pc+1,1) 13104 x=a(pc+1,2) 13111 ifz<5orz>6thend$=mid$(i$,8-x,1):goto13048 13130 d$="W" 13133 goto13048 13136 z=a(pc+1,1) 13143 x=a(pc+1,2) 13150 ifz<8thenonzgoto13191,13214,13250,13280,13305,13328,13384 13172 onz-7goto13420,13463,13486,13509,13560,13583,13593 13191 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13198 ifie=0thene$="W":goto13048 13209 e$=d$ 13211 goto13048 13214 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13221 ifie=0thene$="Q":goto13048 13232 ifd$="W"thene$="Q":goto13048 13244 e$="W" 13247 goto13048 13250 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13257 ifie=0thene$="W":goto13048 13268 ifd$="W"thene$="W" 13277 goto13048 13280 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13287 ifie=0goto13048 13293 ifd$="Q"thene$="W" 13302 goto13048 13305 ifoe=0goto13048 13311 d$=e$ 13313 o$=left$(o$,7-x)+e$+right$(o$,x) 13325 goto13048 13328 ifoe=0goto13048 13334 ife$="W"thend$="Q":o$=left$(o$,7-x)+"Q"+right$(o$,x):goto13048 13359 ife$="Q"thend$="W":o$=left$(o$,7-x)+"W"+right$(o$,x):goto13048 13384 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13391 ifie=0goto13048 13397 ifd$="Q"ore$="Q"thene$="Q":goto13048 13414 e$="W" 13417 goto13048 13420 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13427 ifie=0thene$="Q":goto13048 13438 ife$="Q"goto13048 13445 ifd$="W"thene$="Q":goto13048 13457 e$="W" 13460 goto13048 13463 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13470 ifd$="Q"thenie=1:goto13048 13481 ie=0 13483 goto13048 13486 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13493 ifd$="Q"thenoe=1:goto13048 13504 oe=0 13506 goto13048 13509 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13516 ifie=1andd$=e$thene$="Q":goto13048 13531 ifie=1thene$="W":goto13048 13542 ife$="W"thene$="Q":goto13048 13554 e$="W" 13557 goto13048 13560 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13567 ife$="Q"thensk=0:goto13048 13578 sk=1 13580 goto13048 13583 d$=mid$(i$,8-x,1) 13590 goto13048 13593 d$=e$ 13595 pc=0 13597 gosub12726 13600 goto13069 13603 print" >>- tastenuebersicht -<<" 13638 print" ------------------------" 13639 print 13675 print"t * > takt" 13695 print"p * > programmanfang" 13725 print"r * > reset" 13746 print"i * > programmeingabe aufrufen" 13786 print"h * > diese seite anzeigen" 13822 print"w > handtakt / automatiktakt" 13862 print"f1 > eingang 4 (W/Q)" 13895 print"f3 > eingang 3 (W/Q)" 13928 print"f5 > eingang 2 (W/Q)" 13961 print"f7 > eingang 1 (W/Q)" 13962 print 13996 print"die mit einem * markierten befehle" 14033 print"sind nur im handtakt erreichbar!" 14024 print 14070 print" bitte return druecken" 14105 geta$ 14107 ifa$<>chr$(13)goto14105 14114 goto10804 14117 end 14128 data"ld","WWWQ","ldc","WWQW","and","WWQQ","andc","WQWW","sto" 14138 data"QWWW","stoc","QWWQ","or","WQWQ","orc","WQQW","ien","QWQW" 14148 data"oen","QWQQ","xnor","WQQQ","skz","QQQW","nopo","WWWW","jmp" 14158 data"QQWW"," WWW"," WWQ"," WQW"," WQQ"," QWW"," QWQ" 14168 data" QQW"," QQQ"